Who rents movies these days?

Do any of my friends actually rent DVDs anymore? Why would you bother if there’s so many online options?

So, who actually goes to a store these days to rent movies & shows on DVD? We used to do it all the time with VCR tapes and then DVDs but I’ve not been in such a place for years! I think the last couple of times I went in was to look for ex-rentals to purchase for a “cheap n trashy” night hanging out at home.

Sure, you’ve got Blockbuster, Video Ezy, Network’s chain and a few independents but are they anything like they were in the past? There used to be lots of places to rent and people would even pre-register their interest in getting the latest movies as soon as they were out to rent.

Now with torrents, ripped copies of screeners (no one seriously goes for Telecines, let alone handycam rip-offs anymore) and legal sites like NetFlix & QuickFlix, why bother going to rent a DVD when the odds are you’ve probably already watched the movie at home before it’s even officially available for rent. Of course, NetFlix isn’t available in Australia (and Quickflix would like to keep it that way) but that’s not a major issue if you have some geek skills and can follow instructions.

So, who’s still renting DVDs? Are any of the people I know doing it?

Liberal? No way!

We’re coming up on the next Federal Election here in Australia. More than ever I’m leery of the two main parties (Liberal/National coalition and Labor). It’s almost always a case of Tweedle Dee or Tweedle Dum as they both do something stupid here and there, have questionable policies and, of course, the whole stigma of politics and the lack of trust, failed promises, etc etc etc.

This time though, one thing is standing out with magnificent clarity for myself and, it would appear, many others. I just cannot send my vote in any direction that may put John Howard back in power.

From the disgusting display of the Republic referendum where two questions were mangled into one through the “Truth Overboard” Tampa disaster and, finally, into the outright toadying to George “W” Bush and his lack of weapons/evidence/credibility, John Howard has done more to destroy my belief in politicians than any other Australian to date (yes, worse even than Pauline Hanson). There is no stronger message I can send to that little weasel than to put my vote elsewhere, and I am strongly advising my friends & family to do the same (many are already indicating they’ll do all they can to vote Howard out).

So it looks like I’ll be putting the Liberal candidate at the bottom of my vote card. Whether or not the Labour candidate is far above him is a whole separate issue to be reviewed closer to The Big Day. I can’t say I’m too happy with Labour either, although they’re light years ahead of Howard…