Yet another movie tonight – this time Kitt and I went with friends to see Perfume: The Story of a Murderer. Quite an amazing movie – very Burtonesque although it’s Baroque, not Gothic – and there are no funky toys or equipment. A macabre story with some amazing scenes, concepts and developments.
The town-square orgy scene was most amusing (the crowd falls under the influence of the “ultimate perfume”) – especially the “morning after” moments, where everyone can be seen thinking “I drank what????” :)
Through out the movie I felt immersed in the development and it felt true to the period – very much as you might expect Paris and the surrounding country side of the late 1700’s to be.
Having names like Dustin Hoffman, Alan Rickman and John Hurt in it didn’t make the movie better or significantly detract from it, although it was amusing to see the parts they played.
All up, I found it to be a good movie, somewhat odd and captivating through out. Worth seeing, especially if you’re wanting a change from the usual Hollywood fare…