OK – it’s official – Yes, I’m SLACK!!!
What more can I say than it’s been one hell of a ride since Christmas. Hmmmm – where to begin…
First of all, my company Tao Ceti has been placed into liquidation by the tax office ‘cos they thought it was trading while insolvent. Go figure – there I was earning just enough to survive, cover current costs and start paying back a few debts, all while trying to get some new work in to rebuild from the past couple of problems but because I couldn’t give them their money immediately, bang, it was “shut you down boyo!”
At least the folks at Pitcher Partners have been very helpful in getting all the paperwork sorted out, contacting organisations the company owed, etc. Realistically, it was just me doing all the work so there wasn’t much to be wound up. Now to see what comes out when all the dust settles and the paperwork is officially completed.
The work at DHS fell through – warning – never get caught in politics when working for a friend at a government department. Second time it’s happened to me. Never again.
Fortunately, I’m still able to work with the AWU as “geek” (check out the details for more juice) plus I’ve been able to keep up the effort necessary for Toy Satellite’s projects – again, check out the details for more juice :)
As if all that wasn’t enough, I’ve been kept pretty busy lately working as part of the Platinum Exclusive team, putting on events and trying to grow a sustainable entity in the adult erotic lifestyle world. Amazing what you can wind up doing when you start DJ’ing in that scene :)
There is some escape time for me though – I’m still running a bunch of kids through a fantasy world setting that I’ve been creating. Role playing is great for stimulating creative thinking, problem solving and so on. Of course, as Game Master I’ve got a lot on my shoulders as I’ve chosen to create a whole world from scratch and have been building the modules the players explore myself. Still, it sure beats a fortnightly poker game or just sitting around watching TV :)
Finally, I’ve been running around a bit getting Nykolai’s passport and “permission to travel” forms ready – he and his mom are going to Argentina for a month on Wednesday next week (31st March). It’s all coming together but not without some time spent in waiting rooms.
So there you go – it’s certainly been a roller coaster ride since Christmas and it doesn’t show any signs of stopping. Personally, that’s a good thing – I’d get bored if it was all the same. Mind you, I certainly wouldn’t mind another relaxing Sunday like the one I managed to have a couple of weeks ago – it was one of the best days I’ve had in ages. Can’t wait to do it again :)