Crash go the Chariots

Well, guess who managed to crash the car… Yup – the ol’ HD never did behave too nicely in the wet and tonight on the way home from the office, I let my concentration lapse while going up a left hand bend onto an on ramp. The back end started to slide out so I … Continue reading “Crash go the Chariots”

Well, guess who managed to crash the car… Yup – the ol’ HD never did behave too nicely in the wet and tonight on the way home from the office, I let my concentration lapse while going up a left hand bend onto an on ramp. The back end started to slide out so I turned into the slide, the front end snapped around and WHAM, nose first into the concrete wall of the ramp. Bounced back into the lanes, turning around 180 degrees and tapping the back left corner against the wall as it came to a halt.

Wasn’t going that fast, but the impact banged up the front, knocked my glasses off and bruised my knees on the dash. The engine was pushed around and would not respond properly as I tried to fire it up so I could get off the road. Managed to find my glasses in the passenger seat footwell and got out to push the car as best I could out of the way (wound up blocking 1 of 2 lanes).

It was after midnight so not much traffic (none at the time of the crash). I called for a tow truck and spent the next 3/4 of an hour waving down traffic so they’d slow down and get past the car safely. A few stopped to check if I was OK and chat, a couple wizzed passed, while most took my “thumbs up” as a sign all was fine, waved and headed on.

So, the HD is now in the towie’s yard waiting for me to pay the towing fee (will get it shipped down to Greg – my mechanic – for assessment). Bloody annoying but, there are some good points:

1. I bruised myself and took a major hit to my ego but no other people were injured/killed/etc

2. No other cars were involved and the onramp isn’t even scratched

3. Nykolai wasn’t in the car with me

4. The office didn’t pay me on Friday night as they usually do – if they had, I would have just paid $500+ rego on the car over the weekend via online payments

5. I’ll be taking public transport for a while – less convenient and probably a bit more expensive than the fuel I was burning, but the walking to & from trains/trams/buses will do me good :)

So, yeah, it’s annoying as hell and rather inconvenient, but I’m OK and other things are going OK, so I’ll get through alright. C’est la vie and all that :)