Last night while setting up a DVD for Nykolai, we heard a massive “crack” sound followed by silence then a series of creaks and a crashing boom like a load of building supplies being dropped. From our balcony, we could see that the enormous old tree next to our garage had dropped a massive branch over a neighbour’s car and blocked the driveway for our apartments (not to mention making it difficult to get out the door :)
I wound up calling the State Emergency Service and they sent a team over to carve it all up, extract the car and do a bit of a clean up. As of this morning, the car’s been driven away (the roof was badly dented, it had a few more scrapes on it and one of the windows had popped out, but otherwise … :) There’s also a load of lumber in one of the parking bays so we’ll have to get the body corporate to pull a finger out and get rid of it. This may also make them get motivated to finally have the damned tree pulled down. It’s very tall, very old and has all the apartments around us scared that it’ll come down and take out a building…
I managed to get a series of photos of it all as the team did their work. They’re loaded at Tree Branch Madness.
One funny note was that apparently one of the neighbours called in a noise complaint to the police about someone using a chainsaw at 11pm. Yup – too much like hard work to come and see what’s going on. Far easier to just log a complaint and avoid actually having to meet the people around you…