Kitt really enjoyed watching the Robotech series when she was a kid so when we found them on sale for about AUS$16 per box set (3 DVDs per box) we wound up buying all 7 boxes. Yup, that’s a lot of Robotech.
We’re about half way through the first series (Macros Saga) then it goes into the Robotech Masters before winding up with the New Generation. They certainly spun the first series out as it’s full of flashbacks and repeats of various bits to ensure you’re up to speed on what’s been happening. Between that and the Minmei character singing the same damned songs over and over again, it’s getting a little bit draining. But, we’re sticking it through and it’s certainly fun to see how the story is developing.
Another series Kitt loved as a kid was Battle of the Planets so we may wind up cruising through all them too. Personally, I prefer the original Japanese version, Gatchaman, where everything occurs on earth (ever wondered why where-ever G-Force went, it always looked like earth?), there were no robots (7-Zark-7 was bad enough but 1-Rover-1???) and Jinpei (aka Keyop) talked normally.
On with the show…
I think the reason for 7-Zark-7 etc was that it was in the era for Star Wars and they were trying to capitalise on the whole off-world thingy. 7Zark7 = r2d2 looking n’es pas? Not putting much faith in the imagination of their audience, but c’est la vie!
Oh, totally – the whole “like R2D2” and travelling in space when they didn’t have to, etc. Really trying to milk the concept of war in space…
7zark7 was put in to cover up all the bits they chopped out of the orginal series. I grew up with BOTP, but I so much love Gatchaman more. I can’t wait for the movie and hopefully ep translations of Gatchaman II and Fighter. Great to see another fan.
Should have realised/remembered the “7zark7 cover up” – forgot my G-Law :)
Now I just need to get my hands on the original Gatchaman series DVDs – they are out there.