I picked up Season 1 of the The X-Files as it’s a series that Kitt and I want to work our way through. We thought that Nykolai might enjoy watching them too but tonight we discovered that we may be a couple of years too early. He made it through the pilot episode but it spooked him and left him uneasy about it.
He acknowledges that, like Batman and The Lord of the Rings, it’s made up and its on TV so thus it’s not real. BUT… Seems he just can’t shake that creepy, spooky feeling and so isn’t interested in watching any more of them.
Oh well, I guess that this series will be joining Battlestar Galactica, Family Guy and South Park in the pile of “Watch while Nykolai’s not around” DVDs…
Oh yeah, better add American Dad to that pile…
Good point – we haven’t started on it as yet, but we’ll get there. The way things are going, it’ll be a few more years before Nykolai’s watching his shows while we’re watching ours, so by the time we get a chance to watch them, he’ll be old enough to enjoy them :)
Oh, have you seen Blue Harvest? Accuracy is awesome, though they could have spent a little more budget on gags.
Blue Harvest was awesome – so many parts cracked me up – from “Red October, Standing By” to the “a parsec is a measure of distance” and the bit where the princess is trying to get through R2D2’s Windows interface – hillarious :)
Must watch that again…